Traveling by train
Traveling by train may sometimes seem like an unnecessarily long hassle, but it offers unique advantages that make it...
Read moreAlthough the coronavirus pandemics is not over yet, many are awaiting the upcoming season with a lot more optimism than in 2020. Whole countries are putting great efforts into getting ready to welcome tourists this season, whether it be vaccinating tourism workers or organizing testing checkpoints. There is of course the COVID passport that’s been filling the media headlines for months. In any case, preparations are underway all over, while renters are probably wondering what they can do to make this season more successful.
1. Safety and hygiene come first
Hygiene is always one of the top priorities at any type of accommodation, but we are sure you agree that today it is even more important than ever before. Make sure to explain to your guests, both in your ads and on the notice displayed at your facility, that you are taking care of their safety, list the disinfection and cleaning procedures and instruct them who to contact in the event they display symptoms or if they need to get tested for coronavirus. Likewise, the guests will appreciate instructions on where to wear protective masks. For more details, read the procedures and measures prescribed by the Croatian Public Healthcare Institute in February 2021.
2. Flexible offer
By now we have all learned how to cope with the unpredictable times we live in. The tourism sector is one that has been affected by the pandemics the most and the tourism offer had to be adapted to a large extent to the new circumstances. One such circumstance is unpredictability – unfortunately, nobody can predict the epidemiological condition in June, whether certain countries will close their borders again, what the border crossing regimes will be… Therefore, a flexible offer is a must – this includes bookings with the possibility of favourable cancellation terms.
3. Added value
Nobody has it easy, not even the tourists who set off on a journey. Show that you care, make sure they have all the relevant information on time, include important phone numbers in your booking confirmation email, instruct them with regards to entering the country. Finally, make sure that your facility has plenty of soap and disinfectant, and, if possible, single-use masks. We are sure your guests will appreciate this.
At Molo Longo we are very optimistic towards the upcoming season. We will once again help our partners achieve the most out of the season. If you too would like to leave the renting out of your property in the hands of experts, contact us at We will be happy to assist you!