Traveling by train
Traveling by train may sometimes seem like an unnecessarily long hassle, but it offers unique advantages that make it...
Read moreGoing to the beach is a special experience designed for relaxing and enjoyment. With our advice, make sure that you have everything you need. ?
DToday, everybody knows of the damaging effects the sun has on our skin. Don’t end up spending your vacation dabbed in yoghurt, honey, or some other traditional remedy for burnt skin – apply some sun cream on time and make sure to bring it with you to the beach so it would be close by after swimming.
It’s quite probably that your belongings will be left unattended for some time while you take a swim in the sea. This is why we suggest that you don’t attract additional attention with large, cumbersome wallets. Prepare a small wallet for storing your basic documents and the amount of money you need for the day.
You are at the seaside – your things and clothes will eventually get wet, sprinkled, or soiled with ice cream. You might even have some waste from fruits, snacks or coffee cups.? Always have one extra plastic bag in your beach bag where you can store wet items or transport your waste to the nearest bin. Of course, after returning from vacation, make sure to reuse or recycle the plastic bag.
Just as important as protecting your skin against the strong sun, it is important to protect the rest of your body from dehydration. To make sure that you don’t have to cut your vacation short and visit the emergency room, always have a bottle of fresh, plain (unsweetened) water with you.
Whether you’ve lost your apartment key, are having such a lovely time that you want to immediately prolong your stay, or you simply wish to get some information about the town, it is practical to always have the apartment owner’s contact number.
Your mother surely taught you not to sit in wet clothes. ? We say you should always listen to your mother. An additional bathing suit/pants don’t take up much room, and it will come in handy when you get tired of sitting in damp clothes filled with salt and sand.
You are on vacation – it’s time to forget about all the issues at work, all your daily obligations, tasks and worries. For quality vacation it is important to clear your mind completely and dedicate yourself to relaxation. The beach is the perfect place for this – give yourself in to the sounds of waves, the warm sunny caress and the scent of salt in the air.