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Read moreShrovetide, masquerades, carnival, pre-Lent festivities… These are all names for a custom known in most cultures – putting on a mask on the face and body and, briefly, for a few hours or days, transforming into something or someone else. Masquerading has a long tradition throughout Croatia, usually taking place in the first two or three months of the year. And although influenced by Western traditions, in Croatia, masquerades are increasingly held even for Candlemas, but still, the “main” masquerades are those that bid farewell to winter. The date of masquerades in Croatia is movable and is determined by the Catholic calendar, more precisely by Easter – the final “party” of masquerades is always on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, just before the beginning of Lent, a 40-day fast before Holy Week and Easter. However, even though the main carnival events take place on that Tuesday or the weekend before, it is worth noting that carnival does not last just one day, but it’s a period of several weeks during which masqueraders visit homes, ask for sweets or money, sing, and generally lift the spirits of the inhabitants.
However, not all places in Croatia have an equally strong tradition of Shrovetide – some places stand out in this regard. And Rijeka, a city that enjoys a special tradition and carnival fame in Croatia, stands out. During carnival time, the streets of Rijeka are taken over by monsters, witches, fairies, queens, poets, bell-ringers… It is a period of one month when the citizens of Rijeka – as well as numerous visitors who aim specifically for this period to visit this industrial gem on the Adriatic – briefly become whatever comes to mind, a period when entirely different, crazier, but more relaxed rules prevail.
In this text, we bring a brief overview of the most important events during the Rijeka Carnival 2024.
The traditional start of carnival madness is the election of the carnival queen. Then the masqueraders choose their leader, who, besides a creative mask, must have the charm to win over other masqueraders. After choosing the queen, the mayor of Rijeka hands over the keys to the city to the carnival master, marking the end of the usual rules of behavior and the beginning of the reign of masquerades. The election can be attended live, but it’s so important that it can be watched on television and radio broadcasts!
One of the two most important parades during the carnival is the children’s parade. Parents with their children, as well as entire classes and kindergarten groups, come disguised as all imaginable and unimaginable animals, fairy tale characters, machines, workers… This is a way in which the tradition of masquerading and carnival is passed on to the youngest, who eagerly await this time of year. This parade is very popular and attracts both children and parents from other parts of Croatia, as well as foreigners.
The highlight of the carnival is its main parade, attended by numerous masqueraders and carnival groups from all over Croatia and the world. And although it seems that only the masqueraders who come in groups are the center of attention, this event is for everyone who comes eager for good fun, laughter, and joy. The parade starts at noon, and the final celebration is in the evening, when everyone present has the opportunity to watch the trial and burning of the Carnival figure, the main culprit for all the bad things in the previous year.
These are not all events within the Rijeka Carnival. There is also the Crinoline Ball, the Humanitarian Carnival Ball, the Carnival Run race, the Carnival Snowboard Session, the exhibition of carnival costumes at the Tower Center, the Days of Laughter – a comedy and comedian festival, as well as a multitude of smaller parades, concerts, and other events. And if you head to Rijeka during this craziest time of the year, look for accommodation for rest and masquerade in the offer of the Molo Longo agency.